These few introductory sentences from the picture may seem logical and also easily comprehensible. Yet, you may sometimes notice that you are being driven by negative thoughts. Here, we arrive at the first important insight: it is not your thoughts that should control you and your behavior, but YOU can actively control and influence your thoughts and, consequently, your behavior. How is this possible? In the following sections, we will examine thoughts from both a philosophical and a neuroscientific perspective to find out exactly how.
- Thoughts from the Philosophical Perspective
In 1637, the French philosopher René Descartes published his work „Discours de la méthode“. The famous phrase „Cogito ergo sum“ (I think, therefore I am) contained in it has become well-known and is still part of educational curricula today. However, the theory behind this philosophy is actually quite simple: through our thoughts, we know that we exist and perceive the world around us. But let’s take it a step further. Our thoughts not only make us human beings but also define what kind of human beings we are. As the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, „Over time, the soul takes on the color of its thoughts.“ Does this statement seem too far-fetched? Let’s take a look at what neuroscience has to say about it.
2. Thoughts from the Neuroscientific Perspective
What happens in the body when we think? Every thought triggers a biochemical reaction in the brain once a certain action potential is reached. During this process, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and hormones are released.
For example, negative thoughts lead to the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, cytokines, and histamines, while positive thoughts promote the release of serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, and vasopressin. These messengers influence our emotions, which can be either negative or positive. We also perceive these thoughts on a physical level—such as a lump in the throat, pressure in the stomach, or tension in the shoulders.
When we choose to think positively, feel gratitude, and show respect and appreciation toward others, we feel exactly how we think. These positive sensations are also reflected in our bodies, for example, when we feel warmth in our hearts.
But how can you use this knowledge to actively influence your thinking and maintain a positive mindset?
3. Think well – Be good
We have learned that every thought triggers a chemical reaction in our body. Isn’t that crazy? If you become truly aware of this, you’ve already taken the first important step. Awareness is one of the most effective tools for a good mindset. You are aware that your thoughts are powerful. How you think is the way you speak to yourself. No matter what happens around you, you alone decide how you react to external situations and influences. The first reaction is always in your mind.
If you notice that something triggers you in a negative way and creates a bad feeling inside, take a moment to pause. Tune into yourself. Where do you feel this negative emotion? Perhaps your heart is racing, you feel a tightness in your chest, or you have a queasy feeling in your stomach. Take a few seconds in such moments and ask yourself the following questions:
- How would I intuitively react if I were simply guided by my negative thoughts and emotions?
- What negative consequences could this reaction have, and what might I later regret about it?
- What can I say or do to not make the situation worse, but to make the best of it?
It may seem like asking these questions would take too much time in everyday life. But the good news is: You can train yourself to adopt this mindset and internalize it so that it becomes a habit, and you will automatically approach situations this way. Think of an event that started out relatively harmless but escalated more and more as time went on. Ask yourself how your own reaction contributed to the escalation. It could have been a conversation with someone or an embarrassing moment in your life. Now reflect on how the situation could have unfolded if you had been aware of your thoughts and had actively influenced your behavior. In the future, you will handle such situations more confidently, if you want to and are convinced that you will succeed. But what tools, besides awareness, are there to have constructive and positive thoughts?
4. Tools for a Good Mindset
Let’s take a step back. Thoughts trigger biochemical reactions in the body. We’ve already learned that. But what else triggers biochemical reactions in the body? Exactly, nutrition. „What I eat has nothing to do with what I think!“ someone might respond. Is that your opinion too? Don’t hesitate, just Google „Nutrition and the mind.“ In another blog post, the topic of „nutrition“ will be explored in more detail. You can find the link to that here. This means that a key tool for a good mindset is good food.
But you can do more. Again, we turn to various questions for help:
- What inspires me?
- What do I want to achieve with a good mindset?
- What are my goals, and what drives me?
There are people out there who have accomplished incredible things through a good mindset. People who have left their bad habits behind and now lead healthy lives. People who achieve remarkable athletic feats. People who set impressive records. People who have built successful companies from scratch through hard work, and so on. Is there someone who inspires you to want to achieve the same? How did that person do it? If it’s a famous figure, they may have published a biography or talked about it in a podcast or interview. Use that as a source of inspiration for yourself. Books, media, and everything you consume on social media can influence your thought life and well-being just like food can. Here are some book recommendations that can support you in your endeavor:
If you don’t know why you’re doing something, you’re likely to lose motivation very quickly. Therefore, focus is another important tool for a good mindset.
- Thinking, Fast and Slow
- …
Let’s summarize once more: Your thoughts determine who you are. Thoughts are powerful and affect your mood and even your health. With various tools, you can break the negative cycle of your thoughts and develop a good, positive mindset. This includes:
- Awareness and mindfulness training
- A healthy diet and overall healthy lifestyle
- Having goals and knowing why you want to achieve them
- Learning from people who have already achieved those goals
Did you find these tips helpful? Are there aspects that weren’t covered, or do you have any questions? Feel free to share your thoughts via the contact form, so future blog posts can be even better tailored to your individual desires and needs. I wish you all the best on your positive mindset journey!
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